Preparing for SURGERY
Preparing for Surgery
Preparing for Surgery: In a recent study below they "rehabilitated"(exercise/improved nutrition) patients prior to a specific kind of surgery with favorable results.
My thoughts: I believe that before surgery we should prepare by exercising (aerobic exercise) to increase oxygenation, sleeping at least 8 hours a night, and improving our nutrition (eliminate alcohol, processed foods, high sugar content foods and drinks) and getting a dental cleaning. All this when possible and in consultation with your doctor.
Source: Effect of Exercise and Nutrition Prehabilitation on Functional Capacity in Esophagogastric Cancer Surgery
A Randomized Clinical TrialEnrico M. Minnella, MD1; Rashami Awasthi, MSc1; Sarah-Eve Loiselle, PDt1; et alRamanakumar V. Agnihotram, PhD2; Lorenzo E. Ferri, MD, PhD3; Francesco Carli, MD, MPhil1Author Affiliations Article InformationJAMA Surg. Published online September 5, 2018. doi:10.1001/jamasurg.2018.1645